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What businesses are closed on president’s day

What businesses are closed on president’s day?

The United States of America celebrated President’s Day. In 2023, 20 February was president’s day. The federal holiday was declared on the third Monday of February honoring America’s 45 commanders in chief.

Publically, that holiday was celebrated as “Washington’s Birthday” which commonly falls on 22 February the date of birth of George Washington.

In this article, I am going to tell you all about “what businesses are closed on president’s day.” so; if you want to know about it then you are at the right place. Read this article from start to end to know further about it.

What businesses are closed on president’s day
What businesses are closed on president’s day

The business that are closed on President’s Day

Following are some of the most common businesses that are closed on President’s Day:


President’s day is a bank holiday according to the Federal Reserve System so; most banks are closed on president’s day. However, some banks like TD banks will be open on president’s day. Online banking services and ATMs in some banks are closed.

Stock Exchange

The stock exchange market is usually closed on president’s day in New York. NASDAQ is also closed on president’s day because it is a public holiday.


The mailing system in US “USPS” is closed on president’s day. It was closed on Monday. It does not deliver local, residential, or business mail. Some services like UPS and FedEx operated their home deliveries as usual.

Government agencies

Some government agencies at the federal level, state level, counties, and cities are closed on president’s day in the United States of America. The agencies like DMV, libraries, and city halls are closed on President’s day because of the public holiday. Federal and state courts are closed on president’s day.


Some retail stores are closed on president’s day while some continue their operations. Online stores give president’s day offers to their customers by which they can buy products with discounts.

Some local stores are closed on this day while some popular and big stores like Walmart, Costco, and Target are open on president’s day.

Post offices

On president’s day, post offices are closed. They do not operate posting and mailing. However, if some people want to get posting services they can rely on Amazon to deliver and receive their packages.

Educational Institutes

Many public and private schools are closed on president’s day. If you are unsure about the holiday in your school then you can check your school’s calendar. Some universities are closed while some are open on president’s day.


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