The business is closed because of the tyrannical father
Many people love to read manhwa series in their free time. If you are a manhwa lover, you should read, “The business is closed because of the tyrannical father.” This article will give you complete information about this novel. You should go through the whole information given here if you want to explore this novel.
The business is closed because of the tyrannical father —- General Information
This is a manhwa novel. It has an interesting story. It has elements of fantasy and romance. Harasho is the author and artist of this incredible novel. This novel was released in 2023. The story of this novel iscontinuing. You can find and read the released chapters of this novel on internet. The remaining chapters of this novel will release on scheduled time. Daum, Feelyeon and Kakao are the original publishers of this novel. It is serialized in Kakao and Daum magazines.
The business is closed because of the tyrannical father —- Summary
Thestory revolves around a girl named Tria. She was overworked. Some strange customers daunted her and forced her to complete their orders in a time, which is not enough to complete their order.
Tria run a toyshop where she made toys for her customers. The empire’s emperor is known as “Tyrant.”Tria has rush of orders. Her customers are very strange. They terrify her and force her to complete their orders in given time. When she think about strange customers in which, the iron-blooded priest, mage lord and dark duke are included, she thought that why do these silly people order strange things? She thinks that, since when did there be so idiot daughters. Whythose kids are so mysterious?
She was unable to tolerate the urgency of orders, several threats, and mysterious kids. She decided to close the toyshop that had been running for three generations. However, the firth workshop flashed before her eyes the day after she burnt her workshop. This story contains the happiness and troubles of a girl who has to make perfect toys on the set date due to the threats and money of powerful people.
Who is the main character of the business is closed because of the tyrannical father?
Tria is the main character of this novel. She is a joyful character but she was unable to bear the stress of work and threats of tyrannical fathers. She ran a toyshop but when she met strange customers who threatened her to complete their orders in set time, she closed her shop.
People came to her with the wishes of their daughters and kids and forced her to make toys for their daughters in set time, which is not sufficient. She closed her workshop because she cannot further bear the strange demands of her customers.
What is the myth behind the name of novel?
When people find their daughters making strange wishes for toys, they went to Tria and said her to make toys but set time for her to complete the orders. She closed her workshop due to the tyrannical fathers who wished for strange orders. That is why the novel of this name is the business is closed because of the tyrannical father.

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