Oppo a57 price in Pakistan 4 64
The price of an Oppo A57 4GB RAM 64GB storage in Pakistan varies depending on whether you’re looking at the official retail price or the price from individual sellers. Oppo a57 price in Pakistan 4 64
Official retailer price:
The official price for the Oppo A57 4GB/64GB in Pakistan is around PKR 54999 according to WhatMobile
Individual seller price:
Prices on online marketplaces like OLX can be much lower ranging from PKR 6500 to PKR 13500 . However keep in mind these phones may be used refurbished or not PTA approved.
Here is why the price is important:
- It helps you decide if the phone offers good value for money. For a new phone with a warranty the official price might be reasonable. If you’re on a tight budget a used phone from a trusted seller could be an option.
- Knowing the price range helps you compare deals from different retailers and sellers to find the best offer.
Before buying consider these factors that can affect the price:
New vs. used:
New phones will obviously cost more than used ones.
- Condition:
Even among used phones the condition scratches dents functionality will affect the price.
- Warranty:
A phone with a remaining warranty will cost more than one without.
- Seller reputation:
Buying from a reputable retailer or seller with good reviews can give you peace of mind and may affect the price slightly.

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