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Metal business cards with QR code

Metal business cards with QR code

Technology revolutionizes the way we do our businesses. It is time to raise your business and get full benefit of technology with Metal business cards with QR code. Now, you can promote your business through metal business cards and equip them with QR technology. In this article, I will tell you all about it. So, join me here if you are interested to know about it.

What is QR code? What are Metal business cards with QR code? 

QR is an acronym that is used for the term “Quick Response.” QR is available in several versions these days. QR code is a sort of barcode that can be scanned through a smartphone or tablet camera. However, the major difference in barcode and QR code is that QR codes can hold extra information as compared to barcode. When a person who has a metal business card with QR code scans QR on the card, they will get a set of instructions on their device’s screen. The instructions can included the ways to access an online resource, a discount offer on product or services, invitation to get more information or brand awareness. 

Metal business cards with QR codes are best source to market business. It helps marketers and businesses to get potential customers and promote their business or webpage. 

What are the benefits of Metal business cards with QR code? 

QR codes on business cards become a common practice these days. Businesses and marketers use this way to get potential customers. Metal business cards are created through hard and quality material. It is best as compare to plastic or paper business cards because it looks stylish, attractive, and durable and they are more customizable as compared to other type of business cards. 

When you equip your business card with QR code technology, it will give you wonderful benefit. QR codes helps you to engage your customers with creative content as well as promote your business by taking the full advantage of technology.

Why businesses should use QR codes on their metal business cards? 

QR code helps businesses to get potential customers. Some of the major reasons that are why businesses should use QR codes on their business cards are mentioned below: 

  • QR codes will rapidly enhance the effectiveness of your business by allowing your customers, colleagues and other people to add your contact details and services details in their devices when they scan QR code on your business card. It reduces the need of write down this information. All your customers need to do is to scan the QR code on your business card. They will get quick access to the information that you give them through QR codes. 
  • You can add significant information on the QR code of your business card. The information that you can add in QR code can be your contact details, products, and services, business opening hours, websites, social media channels, address, review pages, and much more that you want to add.
  • You can add your social media information in the QR code that helps your customers to easily access your social media channels or profiles. It enables them to stay in touch with you through your social media channels. You can promote your business, products, and services through your social media channels. QR code efficiently helps you in this regard. When your customers will scan QR through their devices, they can easily access your Social media channel where you can engage them with interesting and high quality content. 
  • You can also add a sample of your professional work through QR code. Using the QR code, your customers will efficiently get access to the sample project. It is an efficient and smooth way to share your expertise and experienced work with your customers without any issue for other person. You only need to convert your sample project or expertise in a file, PDF, or audio format and add it on QR code. Customers can easily access the stored information when they scan the QR card on your metal business card. 

How you can get potential benefit by adding QR on your metal business card? 

You can equip your metal business card with QR code if you want to add your business details such as business information, contact and other type of information on your QR. It helps you to easily promote your business, products, and services. 

It is necessary for you to tell people or your customers that why they should scan QR on your business card. You need to tell them that they will get quick access to useful information when they scan QR code on your business card through their device. 

You need to ensure that you add quality and useful information on QR code at your business card so that your customers will get something useful when they scan the QR code. You should add information like business details, contact information, product and services, website, social media channels and everything that you think significant for your customers. 

You can add a brief and simple description on your card about what is added or stored in the QR code. It will encourage your customers to scan the QR code on your card. 

Best Metal Business cards with QR Codes

If you want to get a metal business card with QR code then you can consider and select the card from the cards mentioned below: 

Popl Metal Business card 

This business card is one of the best Metal business cards. Premium metal and glossy material is used to create this business card. Its corners are rounded while the edges of this card are chamfered. This card contains the business logo on the front. Additionally, it includes information like your name, title, business name, and contact details on back. 

Vice Metal Business Card   

It is also one of the top digital business cards. This card is created with aluminum and it features a brushed finish. The corners of this card are square, while the edges of this card are a bit rounded. The business logo is on the front side of the card while the information like your name, title, business name and contact details are on the back side of the card. 

Tap tag Metal Business card 

You can consider this card if you are looking for the top metal business card. This card is created with the hard and quality steel. It is shiny and stylish card. The corners of this card are round while the boundaries are beveled. It gives a sleek and smooth look to the card. This card feature business logo on the front side while other business information is on the backside. 

Pure Metal Business card 

This business card is also one of the best metal business cards. It is created by aluminum. Which gives a shiny and smooth look to this card? it also contain business logo on front side of the card while the other type of information like your name, title, business name and contact detail on the backside of card. 

Can a metal business card have QR codes or NFC chips? 

Yes, metal business cards with QR codes and NFC chips are trending these days. It helps you to promote your business easily. QR codes and NFC chips are embedded on metal QE cards by using technology.  

Metal business cards with QR code
Metal business cards with QR code

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