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7725 airport business park way

7725 airport business park way

Are you looking information about “7725 airport business park way”? Ifyes then you are landed at right place. This article will feature all the information that you need to know about this address. You will get report about the property located at this address. So, join us in exploring this address and property located at this address.

7725 airport business parkway —– A Quick Overview

This address is associated with “Town & Country Event Rentals” which is a company that provide events and party rentals in Los Angeles and South California. This address us also written as 7725 Airport Business pkwy. This building is located in Los Angeles County. It has Van Nuys as neighborhood. The property class of this building is Warehousing. The property is constructed over 50,000 square feet of area by which one story occupied 3330.

This building was constructed in 2001. It has captivating design and advance look. The price per square foot is $108.

Company Overview

This address is a registered address of a rental company, named Town and Country Event Rentals. This company provides quality equipment for party and event rentals. They have a range of décor items in their inventory that are needed to organize a great event. They have 200,100 square foot advanced warehouse, which have stocked all the things and décor items that are assembled from all around the world. They have 105 advance trucks to give on-time deliveries to their customers.

They offer helpful and friendly services to the people. Thecompany has friendly employees who dedicatedly works with customers in making their dream comes true. They have talented event directors and planners who are experienced in organizing all type of event rental production. They work dedicatedly all time to make their customer’s event special and memorable.

Their professional staff helps customers from start to end with keen interest and fantastic attitude. They have done everything on time and make their customer’s events perfect.

Town and Country Event Rentals —– Specialties

Town and Country is a popular event and party rental provider in Los Angeles, California. They are highly passionate to give quality and first class services to their customers. They provide them goods and products for their events. They handle all type of events from a little gathering to a corporate-level event. They have their services on four locations in Los Angeles, Van Nuys, Santa Barbara, and Pasadena.

Town and Country Event Rentals —— History

The building 7725 airport business park way was established in 2001 while the company was established in 2005. This is a largest and independent company, which provides party and event rental services. The founder of Classic party rentals “Richard F. LoGuercio” was the former owner of this company. Since its establishment, this company gets a good reputation in the industry by providing quality services.

Town and Country Event Rentals —— Business Owner

Richard LoGuercio is the current owner of this business. He has experience of over forty years in the industry. Richard introduced Classic Party Rentals in Culver City in 1981. He sold the company after eight years of successful operation.

He wanted to start a new alternative of his previous company so; he started Town and Country Event Rentals in 2005.

7725 airport business park way
7725 airport business park way

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