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3250 business park DR vista ca 92081

3250 business park DR vista ca 92081

If you are looking information about the address “3250 business park DR vista ca 92081,” welcome here. In this reading, you will get all the essential information that you need to know about this address. So, let’s start our discussion to explore this address.

3250 business park DR vista ca 92081 — Introduction

This address is a registered address for Denso Wireless Systems America. This is a business building situated in Vista, California, United States of America. This building is an advanced and stylish building that was built with the dedication to give businesses an ideal working environment, which gives peace and a sense of professionalism to the people working there or living around.

This building contains four floors, which covers 90,000 square feet of area. It is a high standard and business class construction. This building is constructed on 6.26-acre portion that is surrounded with captivating landscaping and a big parking area.

The lot owner’s name is Clat Vista LLC. The construction is modern, innovative, and wonderful. You can also write this address s 3250 Business Park Drv, Vista, California, US.

3250 business park DR vista ca 9208 — Features and Facilities

This building comes up with a wonderful features and facilities, which give comfort to the people working there and makes them more productive by providing them a peaceful environment.

This lot has a fitness center that contain all cardio and strength training tools that are required in the fitness club or center. It also features a cafeteria, which have a range of food and drinks. The cafeteria enables people to take some rest when they feel stressed or take some food when they are hungry. In addition to these facilities, this building features a conference area that has advance tools needed for audio and video. This conference area is available to residents on rent for meeting and events.

This building features an advance lobby, which is welcoming for visitors. The lobby is large, having a modern look. You will also find a courtyard outside of the building, whichis best for taking rest and perfect for any event. The courtyard is bordered by greenery that gives a peaceful environment.

This building features all time security system, which ensures the security of residents and employees. The security system contains advance tools and equipment such as cameras, security workers, and control room.


If you want to get this place on lease for making your office space, you will get many options. It features a range of office, which contain different sizes. The prices for offices are different, depending on the size and location. This building gives offices on lease with flexible term to facilitate businesses.

The leasing team of this building is dedicated which is available to help leaseholders and the people who are interested in this building. The team is experienced, friendly and helping so, you can get good insights by taking help from them.

Final Words

This building is best for them who want to take an office space on rent. The major reason to select this building is that it gives a range of facilities. It is located at a good location, which has easy access to the transportation means and local services.

3250 business park DR vista ca 92081
3250 business park DR vista ca 92081

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